Last Night...

Last Night..

Strange it was

2nd time in my life time

In deep sleep, suddenly u experience a heavy object onto u,
With ur hands held, u can feel ur body struggling to get out of the hold.u r feeling breathelessness, shouting with in your self which is not heard by outsiders.but for outsiders your body is unmoved straight, but in subconcious u r moving right n left. both hands on ur tummy.
After a struggle for a minute or so, u experience freedom, n a sort of headache.but u still remember the actions happened in ur subconcious.

I have shared this experience with many people youngsters as well as aged, Most of them have experienced similar things. But when i ask them what they think the reason would be I get strange to funny replies, but they justify their reasoning.

One of them said it is the Unsatisfied souls onto u, to full fill their unsatisfied physical needs, couldnt control my laugh, Oh am i assaulted.

And a person who is into yoga n Meditation. replied like this. his thought was, when the body is more stressed physically and mentally beyond a point.Our body releases the stress through vibrations.

Have you experienced any thing similar to this?
Any Scientific reasons?
Aakir Bhoot Hain kya?

Creation of States in India on linguisting basis a Boon or Bane?
Did we create states for ease of Administration or to group people based on language, caste or race.
It has led to a situation where we talk about insiders and outsiders, why do we forget Nationality and give priority to regionalism, It is still in our memory that few years back Politicians from tamil nadu demanded a seperate country.

Mr Raj, talks about marathi culture not followed by North Indians, and the hypocracy is he had arranged a concert of Michael Jackson in 96, is pop culture a part of Marathi culture? and the party who was in, before starting one goes rampage on valentine day celebrations.

What was Mr Raj Upto, he was just trying to create Cynicism. dis integrating people, and the motive is- strengthening his parties roots. at the cost of violence . And the most disheartening act was the ruling Govt not taking any action on him, and the reason for that is. Mr Raj will gain Political Mileage. The Govt which has to protect Law&Order is afraid of loosing votes to Raj if arrested. Art of Possibe at its best display.

Yes we should be loyal to our region, language .... but Country comes first and National Intrests should never be compromised, I see a lot of double standards by Govts also, for eg- There was no National Hindi News in Tamil Nadu. where Hindi is not accepted at all. and except in cbse schools there is no hindi language at all in Tamil nadu schools.

I read Recently Andhra Govt funding christians for a trip to Jedah. Vote bank politics at its best, wont it set a precedence with people of other Religion, will they do the same if a sikh wanted to visit Ahmedabad, or a buddhist wanted to visit Bodh Gaya.
And all of us Know how Mr Karunanidhi came to power this time around - Sops
TV, Loan cancellations, Free power.

And one of the National party which was in budding stage went rampage in the Name of lord Ram demolishing Mosque, If Ram him self was alive he would have performed Namaz in mosque. that is the principle of lord Ram, but if they were real followers of Ram would they have demolished the mosque. Opportunists, who wanted to create a niche in the name of God.

so for our politicians a simple formula for votes is:

Regionalism+Casteism+Racisim+ Sops= Vote Bank Politics

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